by Bryant Golden | Jun 1, 2021 | Encouragement
For a lot of Christians, it’s the same: Go to church on Sunday, pray before meals and maybe go to a Bible study in the middle of the week. There is nothing wrong with any of this as a routine, but if we’re not careful, that’s all it may amount to: a routine. As...
by Bryant Golden | May 27, 2021 | Jesus
It is no surprise that it’s easy to follow Jesus when … The market share is up and to the right. Your kids are attending their college classes you paid way too much for. Your marriage is thriving, and you are healthy. Your ministry is blowing up in the best way. ...
by Bryant Golden | May 26, 2021 | Relevant Life
I deal with a lot of people on a weekly basis who are skeptical and even hostile toward religion and Christianity. For whatever reason, I am drawn in their direction. I love having conversations about culture and religion. It is why a large part of my friend group is...
by Bryant Golden | May 17, 2021 | Unfiltered Radio - Take Back Your Life
Take Back Your Life – 10 by Bryant Golden
by Bryant Golden | May 14, 2021 | Unfiltered Radio - Take Back Your Life
Take Back Your Life – 9 by Bryant Golden
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