by Bryant Golden | Jul 22, 2021 | Unfiltered Radio - Faith vs. Reason
Links: Connect with Bryant and Unfiltered Radio:, @bryantgolden on Instagram, @bryantgoldenunfiltered on facebook, and @bryant_golden on Twitter. Connect with Centerpoint Church: or @CenterpointChurchFL on social media. If Unfiltered...
by Bryant Golden | Jul 21, 2021 | Unfiltered Radio - Faith vs. Reason
Links: Connect with Bryant and Unfiltered Radio:, @bryantgolden on Instagram, @bryantgoldenunfiltered on facebook, and @bryant_golden on Twitter. Connect with Centerpoint Church: or @CenterpointChurchFL on social media. If Unfiltered...
by Bryant Golden | Jul 20, 2021 | Unfiltered Radio - Faith vs. Reason
Links: Connect with Bryant and Unfiltered Radio:, @bryantgolden on Instagram, @bryantgoldenunfiltered on facebook, and @bryant_golden on Twitter. Connect with Centerpoint Church: or @CenterpointChurchFL on social media. If Unfiltered...
by Bryant Golden | Jul 19, 2021 | Uncategorized, Unfiltered Talk Emails
How many times has the phrase, “The Bible could not be any clearer about…” been used to manipulate and even abuse people? I will not give examples, but just study a little history. It’s happened one too many times. Can we just admit: There is a lot that is just not...
by Bryant Golden | Jul 5, 2021 | Unfiltered Talk Emails
Jesus was unbelievably chill with people nothing like him. In fact, the invitation Jesus gives throughout the New Testament to thugs, prostitutes, political zealots, pastors, and pimps was to simply follow him. Follow him before they believed. Follow him even if they...
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