How to love others through your differences

How to love others through your differences

Most of us learned about the “golden rule” while growing up. The rule is a stark demonstration of how to love one another, telling us that we should treat each other how we want others to treat us. Unfortunately, it’s often easier said than done. In Jesus Christ’s...
The role of the church in the racial divide

The role of the church in the racial divide

Racial tensions have boiled up in the United States in recent history. For many people, the struggle with racial divide has never stopped, and for many others, they simply were oblivious to it. However, increasing amounts of reports and footage of racially motivated...
What would Jesus NOT do?

What would Jesus NOT do?

If you were part of a Christian youth group in the late ’90s or early 2000s, you probably had one of those cool WWJD bracelets. And we’re not going to dig on that. It’s a nice reminder to look down at something and think to oneself, “What would Jesus do?” in a given...
Why you always need to see strength in weakness

Why you always need to see strength in weakness

Let’s face it. The world values strength. Or, at least, a show of strength. From national leaders to athletes to office supervisors, a show of strength often translates into earned respect. However, this becomes a problem because people begin to only value being...
Quit making enemies out of everyone

Quit making enemies out of everyone

“To you who are ready for the truth, I say this: Love your enemies. Let them bring out the best in you, not the worst. When someone gives you a hard time, respond with the energies of prayer for that person. If someone slaps you in the face, stand there and take it....