What Did Jesus Say About Tithing

What Did Jesus Say About Tithing

So, you’re sitting in church and all of the sudden the buckets (or baskets) are starting to weave in and out of the rows. And you see people throwing in wads of money, change from the bottom of their purse or sometimes some envelopes – and who really knows what’s in...
What Did Jesus Say About Immigrants?

What Did Jesus Say About Immigrants?

Immigration is a hot topic these days. It seems that one side is screaming for everyone to be allowed in while the other side is yelling for closed borders. And, truth be told, it doesn’t seem like anyone is asking what did Jesus say about immigrants. Instead, they...
What Did Jesus Say About the Sabbath

What Did Jesus Say About the Sabbath

Have you ever had one of those days, where you just can’t stay awake? It’s one of those days, where you want to sneak away to the bathroom and take a nap on the pot, or curl up under your desk or hide in your room. Exhaustion is a common thread in our culture because...
What Did Jesus Say About Heaven

What Did Jesus Say About Heaven

You’ve probably heard a lot about Hell — it’s all fire and brimstone, if you ask certain pastors. Although, to be honest, that part is true. But, it’s not the best tactic to entice someone to follow Jesus. Hell is easy to imagine on some level because it’s not a place...