Don’t throw away your mind

Bryant Golden Blog

Not being able to explain something does not mean there is not an explanation. Look, we all come to the conversation with our own preconceived ideas. Our lives, education, faith and family backgrounds shape how we view the world.

Science and the laws of nature explain most phenomena that occur. But what happens when they can’t? Will our biases hinder us from seeing the evidence for what it is? Can we approach the resurrection of Jesus in an intellectual manner?

Atheists who have wondered

In Cold-Case Christianity, homicide detective, J. Warner Wallace examines the alleged death and resurrection of Christ. As an atheist, he quickly dismissed the idea that a god existed. He held onto the “presupposition that nothing exists beyond natural laws, forces, and material objects.” He had made up his mind before he even posed the question.

Following his experiences investigating murder he recognized his bias. He approached the question anew, as a skeptic, with the same approach he would a cold case. What he found was enough circumstantial evidence and strong enough eyewitness reports to change his mind. Over time, he came to believe in the resurrection of Jesus.

In Did the Resurrection Happen? A Conversation with Gary Habermas and Antony Flew, two friends arrive at opposite ends of this question and wrestle with the philosophical issues surrounding the resurrection. A leading expert on Jesus’ resurrection and the most influential atheist philosopher approach the topic with intellectual curiosity.

In A Case For Christ, journalist Lee Strobel chases down the evidence of Jesus being the son of God. His journey leads him from atheist to believer.

Skeptics welcome

Not knowing the answer doesn’t mean there isn’t one. Be skeptical. Explore who this Jesus claimed to be and who those around him said he was. Ask some hard question of scripture and those who claim to follow him today. I encourage you to reexamine your natural presuppositions in regards to the resurrection of Christ.

It is okay to struggle and doubt this faith thing. Questions grow us. You don’t need a faith that is simply handed down from others. Approaching the resurrection intellectually will lead you to a place where your faith or your unbelief is in fact yours.

It’s important to stay engaged with the questions people are asking about faith. Unfiltered Radio examines historical evidence and relevant truths to learn how to follow Jesus in the midst of our everyday lives. Together, let’s explore who Jesus is and what it means to authentically follow him.