Discover what it means to authentically follow Jesus in a modern world
You can listen to Unfiltered Radio every week day from 9:30-10am on WTBN 570 AM|910 AM|102.1 FM

You’re allowed to be skeptical. The church has a reputation for being judgemental and hypocritical – all things that Jesus opposed. So, we get it. You’re an intellectual who needs solid proof to believe what we believe. We respect that. We believe firm faith is built on intellect. Ask questions.
Maybe you grew up in church, but somewhere along the way you decided the Jesus thing wasn’t for you. Maybe your experiences didn’t match up with the Jesus you were taught. Maybe there’s more to this Jesus thing than you thought.
Jesus Follower
Whether you’re new to the Jesus movement or you’ve been following for years, this podcast will help you root your faith in the core of what Jesus was all about. Never stop learning. Lean in and discover what it really means to authentically follow Jesus.
What Did Jesus Really Say About _____?

What is Unfiltered Radio?
Unfiltered Radio is an opportunity for you to discover who Jesus is and what it means to follow Him, authentically.
Why should I listen to Unfiltered Radio?
If you have questions or are skeptical about what you’ve heard about Jesus and Christianity, then this Christian podcast is exactly what you’re looking for. This podcast seeks to answer both the simplest and most difficult questions related to Jesus and Christianity. You can expect to find discussions around topics such as what did Jesus say about the poor and who is the church really for. We also bust into the historical evidence for Jesus, and we root our belief in intellectual truths, not mind-bending, unsatisfying fairytale-style faith. We promise that you have not encountered this type of logical reasoning for Jesus before.
Who should tune in to Unfiltered Radio?
You. Whether you’re a self-proclaimed atheist who needs some solid evidence of the Jesus person and our beliefs; or an agnostic, who maybe grew up in the church, but you’ve been burned a few too many times by legalist Christians; or if you’re a Jesus follower, whether you’re new to the Jesus movement or if you’ve been around a while, there’s a place for everyone here. And, there’s an opportunity for you to ask some of the biggest questions related to both Jesus and Christianity and get a real response that’s not sugar-coated.
Are you ready to tune in? You can listen to Unfiltered Radio every week day from 9:30-10am on WTBN 570 AM | 910 AM | 102.1 FM. You can also check out the past shows in the form of a podcast on our site or on Soundcloud and iTunes. Don’t let your questions stop you from believing in something that can change your life. Let’s cut the noise and have a real conversation about Jesus. We’re ready, are you?
Are you ready to tune in?
You can listen to Unfiltered Radio every week day from 9:30-10am on WTBN 570 AM | 910 AM | 102.1 FM. You can also check out the past shows in the form of a podcast on our site or on Soundcloud and iTunes. Don’t let your questions stop you from believing in something that can change your life. Let’s cut the noise and have a real conversation about Jesus. We’re ready, are you?
What We Believe
We believe that Jesus is the Son of God. We believe that He really lived on this earth, He performed miracles, He was crucified and He really walked out of the grave three days after His death.
But we don’t just believe these things because they are in the Bible. That’s circular reasoning, and it doesn’t do justice to the intellect of the God of the universe.
We believe these things because we have historical proof that Jesus lived, died and walked out of a grave. There are eye witness testimonials of more than 600 people who saw a resurrected Jesus just days after his crucifixion. Not a “ghost” Jesus, but a living, breathing, teaching Jesus who continued to perform miracles for 40 days before He ascended to heaven.
And here’s what else we know – these beliefs sound crazy. Trust us, we understand your skepticism. But doesn’t it make sense that a story that sounds that crazy would have to be backed up by irrevocable FACT for it to have survived and grown for this long? Doesn’t it make sense that when people were being killed in the 1st century for sharing their eye-witness testimonies about interacting with a resurrected Jesus, there has to be some truth to what they were willing to die for? Sure, people die all of the time for what they believe, but they don’t choose to die for a story they know is a lie.
So are you willing to see if there is some truth in this Jesus thing?